Course Keys **** Following are possible stages in the efforts of small teams of students within the contexts of a course which is focused upon how to graciously help Other-People in their OWN efforts to Mitigate-their-OWN-Alienative-Conflicts. OUTSIDERS cannot: eliminate, resolve, solve, settle or put-to-rest any conflict which is NOT-THEIR-OWN! This is especially true IF the OUTSIDERS have not been invited by ALL-the-Participants and Victims of the Alienative-Conflict to become involved in clearly described ways! The evidence is in support of the above facts-of-life is quite strong! Still, people pretend that OUTSIDERS can actually: eliminate, resolve, solve, settle or put-to-rest a conflict which is NOT-THEIR-OWN! People keep trying to WIN their Collusive-Games- of-Mutual-Self-Deception in tragic ways! Possible Stages in Team-Efforts To help others Mitigate-their-OWN-Alienative-Conflicts 1. Individual students list possible Alienative-Conflicts to focus upon; past, present and/or future Alienative-Conflicts. 2. Students describe in a few lines of text, the central features of each suggested Alienative-Conflict; focusing upon: Conflict-Participants, Conflict-Victims, Time-Periods, Conflict-Locations, Conflict-Contexts, How-Overt, How-Concealed; Diverse-Perspectives from-which-people-see the Alienative-Conflicts and their Resulting-Diverse: Desires, Intentions, Ideals, Values, Principles, Priorities, Assumptions, Attitudes, Approaches, Hopes, Aspirations and Tools-of-Domination. 3. Students engage in networks of people and data-bases to find and work with each other to refine their individual descriptions of the Alienative-Conflict(s) - - - to prepare to work as a small team with the following thoughts kept in mind: a. The more team members there are, the more the work load can be shared-around; and the more complicated that coordination-efforts-are-bound-to-become. b. There are particular advantages to teams of 2, 3 or 4 members - - - as regards dealing with each other's strengths, disabilities and weaknesses; and regarding likely/possible group-dynamics in each size of team. Students need to give careful thought to those possibilities and their challenges. c. Teams give the class facilitator weekly progress reports regarding how they are focusing their efforts and about the resources they have found to be helpful and/or have sought but not found. d. The class facilitator gives in return a weekly feed-back and suggests questions that should be discussed openly and honestly by the students; and responded to by the students in their next feed-back to the class facilitator. e. Students in a team share their team's insights and suggestions regarding the facilitation of other people's own efforts to Mitigate-Their-OWN-Alienative- Conflicts - - - in the light of what the team of students have learned in the course and in their own related efforts.