: Are usually not precisely formulated as to what they describe accurately within what ranges of known: circumstances, volumes of space, time-intervals and modes of interaction/relationships; and extensive tests have not yet been completed. Laws: Are accurate descriptions of the quantitative relationships between clearly described measurable quantities like positions, velocities, accelerations, forces, masses, pressures, temperatures, etc. Examples include: Keplar's Laws describing the orbits of planets around the central sun, Newton's Laws of Motion, Boyle's Laws related to the temperature, pressure and volume of a fixed amount of gas, Coulomb's Law regarding forces between charges at rest, and Faraday's Law of Electromagnetic Induction of changing magnetic fields due to charges in motion. Theories: Are pervasively-reliable descriptions of accurately measurable patterns in interactions over large volumes of space-time - - - with clarity about the limited scope of the accuracy of the descriptions. Examples include: Maxwell's Theory of five equations relating: Charges at rest, moving and accelerating as they relate to changing electric and magnetic field patters, Maxwell's Theory with equations pertaining to the flow patterns of fluids and gases, Einstein's Special- Theory and General-Theory of Relativity describing motions of objects at velocities close to the ultimate velocity of light and over great astronomical distances - - - as the "shapes" of traversed-volumes of "space-time" are influenced by the presence of large masses as in dense: clouds of gas, stars and black holes - - - in those volumes of "space-time". According to Einstein's-Theories; Objects always move "ahead" through the "local-shape" of "space-time" due to the "local- density" of matter in the "local-volume" of "space-time" - - - wherein measurable distance-intervals and time-intervals are inter-dependent in the non-intuitive ways of Loretz; where measured space-intervals and time-intervals depend upon the relative-speeds of the measuring-instruments - - - becoming "most-strange" as the relative speeds get close to the speed of visible light and other non-visible forms of electromagnetic radiation.RETURN TO recent.htm ESSAY-HYPER-LINKS Course Keys **** What are the major differences between the natures of: hypotheses, laws and confirmed-transcendent theories-of-physics? "Hypotheses" are tentative suggestions. "Laws" are well confirmed, but not very comprehensive in their scope and integrity. "Theories" are best confirmed and most honored because of how comprehensive they are in the scope of their relevance and integrity. Hypotheses