There is much that we ALL need to cooperate on in the Overall-Long-Term, to: Reduce, Mitigate, Heal and Transcend - - - for the sake of ALL VICTIMS' and PARTICIPANT'S SAKE - - - - - within God's Space-Ship-Earth. People who seek to help others to mitigate their own Alienative-Conflicts for the overall-good-of-all in-the-long-term; need to be sensitive and gracious in Detecting-and-Describing the following kinds of ROOTS of our Alienative-Conflicts: 1. Greed, Covetousness and desires to Concentrate-and-Enjoy Concentrated-Wealth-and-Powers. 2. Pathological: fears, anxieties, terrors, passivity, withdrawal, indifference, insensitivity, submission, fatalism, etc. 3. Empowered Mentally-Ill-People serving as leaders of Simplistic-Idealists who fear to accept responsibilities/powers. 4. Systemic-Powers Undermining Distributive-Justice and thereby Augmenting-Alienative-Conflicts. 5. Pathological efforts to be Invulnerable and free of all Risks and Possibilities-of-Failure. 6. People Playing-TO-WIN - - - Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception! 7. People-In-Denial about Limited-Amounts-of-Pure: Resources, Fuels, Minerals, Air, Water, Soil in God's Astronomically- tiny space-ship-earth which is Essentially-Isolated from ALL other significant amounts of those essential resources. 8. People's refusal to acknowledge their Limited-Powers to unilaterally-in-isolation exercise Control-their-Own-Destinies. 9. Our Unexamined/Un-Articulated: Assumptions, Attitudes, Perspectives and Approaches --- to which people cling! 10. Our Unexamined/Un-Articulated: Beliefs and Convictions. 11. Our Unexamined/Un-Articulated: Views about the Proper and Improper: Roles for our elected Governments to play. 12. Our Unexamined/Un-Articulated: Views about the Proper and Improper: Roles for our Religious-Organizations to Play. 13. Our Unexamined/Un-Articulated: Views about the Proper and Improper: Roles for our Major-Corporations to Play. 14. Our Unexamined/Un-Articulated: Views about the Proper and Improper: Rights, Duties and Responsibilities for us as: Persons, Corporations, Businesses, Religious-Groups, Schools, Insurance-Corporations, Military-Services, Investment-Firms, Banks, etc. - - - to Play. 15. Our Unexamined/Un-Articulated: Views about proper and Improper: Ways to Maintain all Earth's-Crew-Members' Rights. 16. Our Unexamined/Un-Articulated: About what visions, hopes, dreams, fantasies can NEVER-BE-FULFILLED. 17. Our Unexamined/Un-Articulated: About what visions, hopes, dreams, fantasies only seem IMPOSSIBLE-TO-FULFILL. 18. Our Unexamined/Un-Articulated: About what visions, hopes, dreams, fantasies - - - may yet become possible. 19. Conflicting-Internalized: Assumptions, Ideals, Values, Virtues. 20. Our confusions about what are the natures of Vices and Virtues; and of their fruits - - - - Long-Term-for-ALL-OF-US. 21. Our patterns of Systemic: Thoughtlessness, Insensitivity, Violence, Alienation, Ignorance and Prejudices. 22. Our patterns of Systemic Lacks or: Empathy, Sympathy, Tolerance, Authenticity, Honesty, Generosity and Hospitality. 23. Our REVERENCE toward many ISOLATED: Virtues, Ideals, Values, Goals, Hopes, Aspirations, and Leaders. 24. Our REVERENCE toward many ISOLATED: Means, Technologies, Techniques, Technocrats and Technocratic-Corporations. In contrast to the above Roots-of-Our-Alienative-Conflicts --- Authentic-People-of-True-Integrity merit Admiration-and- Honor for the Gracious-Ways in which the work Cooperatively to help others to Mitigate-their-own-Alienative-Conflicts in the Gracious-Integrative-Ways of Shalom --- which are generally free of many of the above realities in our "modern" lives.