Course Keys **** The Health-and-Integrity of Each-Community, and of Each-Person within Each-Community; and of the Crew-of-Space-Ship- Earth; all depend to a great-Extent upon the Extent to which their considerations of alternative-ways-to-focus-their: time, attention, energies, talents, resources, questions, meditations, dreams, visions, hopes and aspirations - - - are guided and motivated by the various consequences of: 1. Fears of poorly understood risks. 2. Anxieties due to poorly understood risks. 3. Ignorance about the relative extents of poorly understood risks. 4. Prejudices about the relative extents of poorly understood risks. 5. Biases in favor of some of the above poorly understood risks. 6. Biases against many alternative opportunities to Mitigate our own Alienative-Conflicts. 7. Failures to explore many available alternative opportunities to Mitigate our own Alienative-Conflicts. 8. Attempts to WIN Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception --- at each other's expense. 9. Inadequate Mental-Health-Care for Victims of all that is pointed to in the above text. 10. Overall Inadequate Preventive Basic-Health-Care for all people within our various Dis-Eased-Communities.