This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== Click on WELCOME for a quick tour of ========================================================== %DOMINEERING BULLIES VIOLATE VULNERABLE VICTIMS BY 080428 %IMPOSING VIOLENT QUESTIONS EXCESSIVELY COMPLICATED 080428 %IMPOSSIBLE RESPOND WITHIN LIMITED TIME PERMITTED 080428 %VIOLATIONS PERSONAL COMMUNAL INTEGRITIES AUTHENTIC 080428 %TRUE LOVERS RECONCILING STRANGERS CONFUSE VIOLENCE 080428 One of the many ways in which Domineering-Bullies are VIOLENT is in ASKING-VIOLENT-QUESTIONS; for example INSISTING in Integrity-Violating-Ways that their victims respond to VIOLENT-QUESTIONS: 1. Outside of their areas of experience, competence, expertise and/or training. (c) 2. Which demand a simplistic YES or NO response; or an equivalent dichotomous response. 3. Which are founded upon TRAGICALLY-MISLEADING assumptions, attitudes, perspectives --- that are not open to any challenge. 4. Which in subtle ways violently call into question the integrity of the victims --- because they are "different". 5. Where victims are not permitted to respond in any thoughtful-complete-way --- by the Domineering-Bullies engaging in endless INTERRUPTIONS-WITH FOLLOW-UP-VIOLENT- QUESTIONS. 6. Which are part of Playing-Collusive-Games-of-Mutual- Self-Deception --- with threats to anybody who exposes the existence of the Hidden-Games and/or the Hidden-Rules of the Hidden-Games. 7. Which are part of Respected-Patterns of Addiction-&- Codependence. 8. Which are part of Respected-Patterns of Distributive- Injustice into which the victims are being seduced/trapped. 9. Which do violence to Paradoxical-Truths which are not easily affirmed by Vulnerable-People who have been deprived of any extended scholarly education --- through Systemic-Distributive-Injustices. 10. Which are excessively complicated for the victims to be able to reason to in any meaningful way --- within the limited time the victims are allowed for their response. If we are not prepared to recognize and expose Violent- Questions we are vulnerable to Domineering-Bullies who have perfected the art of Imposing-Violent-Questions upon their Vulnerable-Victims. Be-Together in the Many-Gracious Ways of Shalom. (c) 2008 by Paul A. Smith in "Search for Honesty and Integrity" (On Being Yourself Whole and Healthy) ========================================================== Click on WELCOME for a quick tour of ==========================================================