This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== Click on WELCOME for a quick tour of ========================================================== %ABILITY TO IDENTIFY UNRELIABLE DISLOYAL TRAITORS 080408 From the Perspectives-of-Domineering-Bullies, Their- Domination-Systems AND Their-Powers-that-Be-In-Control --- People are Unreliable-and-Disloyal if People ARE: 1. True-Lovers engaged in Open-and-Honest-Dialogue. 2. Seeking to Truly-Resolve-Ideological-Conflicts. 3. Seeking to Transcend-Tragic-Simplistic-Idealism. 4. Seeking to Track-Tragic-Outcomes to their Roots. 5. Seeking to Transcend-Patterns of Domination. 6. Seeking to Understand-Patterns of Domination. 7. Seeking to Predict-Outcomes of Alienative-Actions. 8. Seeking to Mitigate-Outcomes of Alienative-Actions. 9. Seeking to Mitigate-Future-Alienative-Actions. 10. NOT-Engaged in any Domination-System Being-Bullies. 11. NOT-Engaged in Clarifying WHO is Evil, WHO is Good. 12. NOT-Engaged in Destroying WHO is Evil, WHO is Good. 13. NOT-Engaged in Destroying Threatening-Competitors. 14. NOT-Engaged in Playing Collusive-Games of Mutual-S.D. 15. NOT-Taking-Sides on every Identifiable-Conflict. 16. NOT-So-Busy that they cannot Stop-to-Think Carefully. People who are Unreliable-and-Disloyal in the above kinds of ways are GREATER-THREATS to Domineering-Bullies, Their- Domination-Systems and Their-Powers-that-Be-In-Control than are their OVERT-COMPETITORS --- because all of those People who are Unreliable and-Disloyal in the above kinds of ways --- are Working-to-Undermine the Essential- Foundations of the Cosmos-of-Domination. They are trying to DESTROY-THE-WHOLE-COSMOS! Then nobody will win! ========================================================== Click on WELCOME for a quick tour of ==========================================================