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This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== Click on WELCOME for a quick tour of ========================================================== %BASIC TRUE FOUNDATION PEACEMAKING HEALING HOSPITAL 080218 %TRUE LOVERS FOCUS AFFIRMATIONS DEMONSTRATIONS GOOD 080218 %VIRTUES HONESTY MUTUALITY TRUTHFULNESS DIALOGUE IT 080218 %GENEROSITY HOSPITALITY LOVE FAITH HOPE HEAVEN EVIL 080218 %MITIGATION REDUCTION LETTING GO CONCENTRATIONS GOD 080218 %WEALTH POSSESSION POWERS IDOLATRY PARADOXES LONELY 080218 True-Lovers focus upon Affirmations-and-Demonstrations of each of the following True-Virtues: HONESTY MUTUALITY TRUTHFULNESS DIALOGUE GENEROSITY HOSPITALITY LOVE Be-Aware-of and Beware-of Settings and Circumstances where there are NOTABLE-ABSENCES of Clusters-of-these-True- Virtues --- for therein Affirmations-and-Demonstrations of each of the above True-Virtues Both-Absent and/or AT-RISK. Therein Life-Liberty-Security and All-Forms-of-Integrity are AT-RISK; ARE-THREATENED. Such THREATS can be Truly-Mitigated only in Non-Violent- Ways; for All-Violent-Ways THREATEN all of the above True- Virtues. Violence THREATENS and/or DESTROYS Integrities. In the absence of THREATS-and-DESTRUCTIONS of Integrities; there is No-Violence. In the presence of Non-Violent Mitigations of of THREATS-and-DESTRUCTIONS Integrities- Grow through many forms of Evolving-Integrations. MYTHS-of-REDEMPTIVE: Violence, Controls, Punishments, Exclusions, Excommunications, Rejections, Ejections, Banishments, Taboos, Prescriptions, Proscriptions, Bullies, Controllers, Prisons, Collusions, Fortifications, Forts, Defenses, Coalitions, Teachnocrats, Technologies, Unilateralists, Superiority, Hierarchies, Empires, Kings, Queens, Emperors, etc. need to be systematically exposed for how much: ALIENATION, ESTRANGEMENT, ANIMOSITY, ANGER, REVENGE, VIOLENCE, DESTRUCTION, DISINTEGRATION, CONFUSION, IGNORANCE, PREJUDICE, GARBAGE, WASTE, ETC. they create as Bitter-Fruits that are recycled over and over in vicious cycles of recycling endlessly such Bitter-Fruits. In the Above-Situations-and-Circumstances the Guilty- Parties are not the People; but the MYTHS-oF-Redemptive- VICES which the Victims-Believe-In! VICES Cannot-be-Mitigated through Believing-In Recycled- Redemptive-Vices and/or through Believing-In-Redemptive- Myths which Affirm-the-Possibility of MITIGATING-VICES through the use of RECYCLED-REDEMPTIVE-VICES. Only people who are trying to Win-Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self- Deception are Simplistic-or-Foolish-Enough to believe such Destructive-Myths! Therein are the roots of their Tragic-Simplistic-Myths which lead them down the paths into Expanding-Patterns-of-Alienation! Recognizing, Learning, Describing, Affirming, Teaching and Demonstrating the above Truths ------- are The-Basic- Foundations of True-Peacemaking. In the Absence of the Basic-Foundations of True-Peacemaking -------- Peace is Neither-Present-Nor-Coming. Be-Aware-and-Beware! Systemic Injustice and Systemic-other-Vices Are-Present In-The-Absence of the Basic-Foundations of True- Peacemaking. Systemic-Vices Are-Present when The-Basic-Foundations of True-Peacemaking have been Systematically-Ignored-And/Or- Excluded and so are ABSENT-FROM-COMMUNITIES'-EXCLUSIVE: Institutions, Organizations, Businesses, Clubs, Churches, Religions, Professional-Circles, Sciences, Scholarship, Arts and Sciences and Schools'-Curriculums. The-Basic-Foundations-of-Peacemaking are also the Basic- Foundations of: Healing, Hospitality, Liberation, Healing, Freedom, Health, Democracy, Reconciliation, Grace, Charity, Love, Intimacy, and Meaningful-Humane- Relationships. It is DANGEROUS to all members of a community when when many of them Ignore-and/or-Are- Ignorant about The-Basic-Foundations-of-Peacemaking. Be-Together in the Many-Gracious Ways of Shalom. (c) 2008 by Paul A. Smith in "Search for Honesty and Integrity" (On Being Yourself Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================