This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== Click on WELCOME for a quick tour of ========================================================== %SHIFTING AWAY FROM EACH INTIMATE PERSONAL RELATION 080106 %ALIENATION ESTRANGEMENT DISINTEGRATION DESTROY 080106 %CONCENTRATIONS POWERS WEALTH LUXURIES CORRUPTION 080106 %CONFUSION CONCEIT CONTENTIONS CONFLICT CONCEALMENT 080106 %ARROGANCE SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS COLLAPSE BEING HEALTH 080106 %HOSPITABLE GRACIOUS GENEROUS GIVING GOING TOGETHER 080106 We get into trouble and risk stumbling into tragic alienative behaviors --- whenever we shift our Focus-and- Attention --- away from efforts which are overall: cooperative, collaborative and coherent -- by focusing on competitions, contentions and controls -- in trying to be Superior-in-Personal Rank-and-Status --- at the expense of the Spirit-and-Quality of our Most-Intimate- Relationships. We disintegrate in many ways. We cease being true together in reverent ways which are truly spiritual --- in humble acknowledgments of all that transcends US. Arrogance shadows us and over-shadows our personal relationships. We become technocrats who are indifferent to our personal relationships. The above is not only a shift in Focus-and-Attention. It is also a Shift-in-Spirit, Intention-and-Approach to personal relationships --- and so is a Shift-Away-from truly intimate personal relations that merit: honor, respect and support. So it is also a Shift-Away-From reverence, authenticity and Shifts-Away-From both personal and communal integrations and integrities. Be-Together in the Many-Gracious ways of Shalom. (c) 2008 by Paul A. Smith in "Search for Honesty and Integrity" (On Being Yourself Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================