This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== Click on WELCOME for a quick tour of ========================================================== %GETTING BEING AWARE BEWARE INITIATE NEW RELATIONS 071210 %GIVING GETTING ARBITRATING ORDER ORDERS PRESCRIBE 071210 %PROSCRIBE TABOO EXCOMMUNICATION PUNISHMENT COLLUDE 071210 %PLAYING COLLUSIVE GAMES MUTUAL SELF DECEPTION GOOD 071210 %REDEMPTIVE VIOLENCE CONTROLS PRETENSE ARROGANCE ID 071210 %DOMINATION SYSTEMS LOYAL SUPPORTERS TRAGIC GREED 071210 We can often get into deep trouble if we are Not-Aware-Of, do not want to Be-Aware-Of, and/or do not Care to Beware- Of --- people who Initiate-New-relationships with us In- Order-To-Be-Able-To: 1. Lead us into experiencing heightened vulnerabilities. 2. Take advantage of our vulnerabilities. 3. Take advantage of other people's vulnerabilities. 4. Seduce us into joining them in the above behaviors. 5. Get more supporters of Alienative-Domination-Systems. 6. Play Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception-With-Us 7. Get us to Be-Addicted to their Goods-and/or-Services. 8. Get us to Be-Their Codependents-Supporters as Addicts 9. Rise in the Leadership-of-their-Domination-System. 10. Avoid getting involved with True-Lovers-in-Intimacy. The above pertain to people: (1) As individuals, (2) In Small-Groups, (3 In Nuclear-Families, (4) In Extended-Families, (5) In Tribes, (6) In Palatial-Coalitions, (7) In Religious-Institutions, (8) In Governmental-Service, (9) In Profitable-Professions, (10) In Profitable-Corporations, (11) In Violent-Conflicts, (12) In Pretentious-Relationships. Be-Together in the Many-Gracious ways of Shalom. (c) 2007 by Paul A. Smith in "Search for Honesty and Integrity" (On Being Yourself Whole and Healthy) ========================================================== Click on WELCOME for a quick tour of ==========================================================