This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %INSANE PEOPLE OUT TOUCH REALITY CONSEQUENCE TRAGIC 071017 %TRUE LOVERS WITHIN OPEN HONEST INTIMATE DIALOGUES 071017 Insane-People are out of touch with reality; unable to distinguish between Healthy-Outcomes and Un-Health- Outcomes of their own: assumptions, attitudes, approaches, beliefs, fears, and manner of trusting ideals and values. Because they are out of touch with reality; many people keep engaging over and over in the same dysfunctional patterns of Un-Healthy/Alienative behaviors. They cannot trace back from Un-Healthy-Alienative Outcomes (which they do not recognize as such) to their own dysfunctional patterns of Un-Healthy-Alienative behaviors and responses to Un-Healthy-Alienative behaviors. Dysfunctional-Patterns of Un-Healthy-Alienative-Behaviors lead toward: 1. Alienation and away from True-Reconciliations. 2. Violence and away from Gracious-Kindness. 3. Defensive-Attacks and away from Generous-Hospitality. 4. Secrecy-and-Dishonesty and away from Honest-Dialogue. 5. Domination-and-Controls and away from Cooperation. 6. Biases-and-Prejudices and away from Intimate-Friends. 7. Ignorance-and-Confusion and away from True-Description True-Lovers take note of the consequences of their patterns of behaviors; and adjust their patterns of behaviors to avoid arriving at the tragic conclusions suggested above. Be-Together in the Many-Gracious ways of Shalom. (c) 2007 by Paul A. Smith in "Search for Honesty and Integrity" (On Being Yourself Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================