blog traffic analysis
This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %FALLING DECENT UNDERWORLD HELL EVIL RELATIONSHIPS 070726 %ORIGINAL SINNERS CONCENTRATING WEALTH POWERS GREED 070726 %AUGMENTING VICES GAINS PROFITS BOTTOM LINES GETTER 070726 %FORTS FORTRESSES DEFENSES OFFENSES INVULNERABILITY 070726 %SECURITY COUNCILS COALITIONS ARMIES NAVIES FORCES 070726 %AIRPLANES BOMBS NUCLEAR WEAPONS MUTUAL DESTRUCTION 070726 Domineering-People place Myths-of-Redemptive: Violence, Coercion, Controls, Commands, Demands, Greed, Exclusivity, etc. Beyond-Question --- and make the Required-Adjustments to Falsely-Rationalize-their-Consequent Greedy-Needs to Repress-And-Suppress Each-of-the-Following: ==========================================================