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This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %RESPOND RESPONSE CRIMINAL ALIENATIVE BEHAVIOR GOD 070627 %CENTRAL QUESTIONS FRAMES PAYMENT MITIGATE REDUCE 070627 %RECONCILE AUGMENTED FINANCIAL BOTTOM LINE COSTS 070627 %BOOKS BALANCED INJURY DISEASE HEAL HOSPITAL DOCTOR 070627 %HOSPITALITY TRAGEDY SIMPLETONS DOMINATION CONTROL 070627 %DECIDER DICTATOR EMPEROR KING QUEEN CEO CORRUPTION 070627 How we respond to a Criminal-Alienative-Behavior depends greatly upon which of the following questions are central in how we frame questions about the Crime. 1. How should the criminal pay for the crime? 2. How can alienation be most helpfully mitigated? 3. How can the criminal's alienation be mitigated? 4. How can reconciliation be best augmented? 5. What were the financial costs of the crime? 6. How can the financial books be properly balanced? 7. What previous alienation led to the crime? 8. What previous injury/disease led to the crime? 9. Was the crime the result of an identifiable tragedy? 10. Can the damage done by the crime be "fixed"? 11. What can be done to prevent tragedy recycling? 12. What can be done to heal the crime's alienations? So long as the process of Framing-Questions-About-Crime is Dominated-by-Domineering people who are willing to respond to Crimes-in-Alienative-Ways --- So-Long the Roots-of- Crimes will not be Recognized-nor-Mitigated. Domineering people automatically respond to crimes in terms of punishment; because nothing else makes sense to them since they are loyal to: The Domination-System, Collusive-Games- of-Mutual-Self-Deception, Traditional-Ways, Concentrating- Powers-and-Wealth, Rank-Ordering-People, Knowing-Who-Is- Good and Knowing-Who-Is-Evil. Be Graciously-Together in the Many-Ways-of-Shalom. (c) 2007 by Paul A. Smith in "Search for Honesty and Integrity" (On Being Yourself Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================