This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %ALIENATIVE TABOOS SERVE WELL DEFENDERS COLLUSIVE 070303 %SELF OTHER DECEPTION MYTHS DOMINATION SYSTEM EVIL 070303 ALIENATIVE-TABOOS often "SERVE-WELL" as DEFENDERS of: Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception, Domination Systems, The Fallen-Powers-that-Be, Corporations pretending to need "rights-of-persons", Military-Industrial-Complexes-and-Corporations, Great-Concentrations-of-Wealth-and-Powers, Distributive-Injustices regarding Wealth-and-Powers, Addictive-Codependent-Relationships, Abuses of Alcohol, Drugs, Sexuality, Powers, Wealth; Objectifications of Reflexive Humane-Relationships, Mutually-Assured-Nuclear-War-Destruction, Myths of Redemptive: Violence, Controls, Punishments; Myths of Redemptive: Prisons, Imprisonment, Traps; Myths of Redemptive: Masks, Secrecy, Pretense, Lies; Myths of Redemptive: Unilateral Actions, Salvations; Myths of Redemptive: Rank-Ordering, Superiorities; Myths of Redemptive: Good-and-Evil-Labels; Myths of Redemptive: Knowledge of Who-is-Evil/Good, Myths of Redemptive: Ignorance about Sexual-Powers, Myths of Redemptive: Excommunications-and-Executions, Myths of Redemptive: Exclusivity, Myths of Redemptive: Personal Superiority, Myths of Redemptive: Arrogance, Righteousness; Myths of Redemptive: Hubris, Myths of Redemptive: Idolatry, ====================================================== Wherever there is ALIENATION, beware of Taboos/Myths! Wherever there is ALIENATION, beware of Exclusivity! Wherever there is ALIENATION, beware of Idolatry! Wherever there are TRAGEDIES, beware of Simpletons! ====================================================== Be Graciously-Together in the Many-Ways-of-Shalom. (c) 2006 by Paul A. Smith in "Search for Honesty and Integrity" (On Being Yourself Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================