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This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %DESENSITIZED EMPATHY SYMPATHY EMOTIONS AWARENESS 070206 %RESPONSIVE SEXUALITY EASILY DOMINATED VULNERABLE 070206 %SUBMISSIVE CODEPENDENT JACK JILL PRAY BEING TRUE 070206 %LOVERS BODY PLEASURES SUBCONSCIOUS RITUALS PROJECT 070206 %BLAME SHAME GUILT FAULT RESPONSIBILITY INACTIVE 070206 %BERNARD FELD BULLETIN ATOMIC SCIENTISTS CLOCK 070206 A Domineering-Repressive-Community demands that its members Be-Desensitized as regards: Empathy, Sympathy, Awareness, Responsiveness and Their-Own-Sexuality --- because: People who are: Empathetic, Sympathetic, Sensitive, Meditative, Prayerful, Aware, Responsive and Sexually- Alive --- Are not easily Dominated, Made-Submissive, Vulnerated or otherwise Made-into-Profitable Commodities --- that are Willingly-and-Willfully Used-and-Abused in Unilateral-Ways --- that do not attend to their unique Integrations-or- Integrities. See the article in the November 1975 issue of "The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists": "Body Pleasure and the Origins of Violence" on pages 10 through 20. (Editor Bernard Feld insisted on publishing the article, over the objections of his advisors.) Adults who from infancy (and maybe before) have been regularly trained in sub-conscious rituals of: 1. Repressions and Suppressions of Expressions of Self. 2. Collusive-Games of Mutual-Self-Deception. 3. Depressions-and-Repressions of True-Expressions. 4. Depressions-and-Repressions of True-Expectations. 5. Pretentious-Conformity and Pretentious-Formalities. 6. Formalizations of Expressions-of-Emotions Controlled. 7. Formaiizations of Expressions-of-Empathy-&-Sympathy. 8. Stuffing-Most-Awareness of Feeling-Empathy-Sympathy. 9. Regulations-of-Awareness of Feeling-Empathy-Sympathy. 10. Utilization-of-Awareness of Feeling-Empathy-Sympathy. 11. Ritualizations of Sexual-Stimulation in Advertising. 12. Ritualizations of Sexual-Stimulation in Profitability 13. Ritualizations of Profitability through Sexual-Action 14. Focusing on Sexual-Desires in Profitable-Advertising. 15. Profitably Repressing-True-Sexual Desires of Lovers. 16. Maintaining Profitable-Controls over Sexual-Desires. 17. Power-&-Wealth Concentrations through Such-Controls. 18. Consumption-Augmentations through Such-Controls. 19. Resource-Exhaustion through Profitable-Sex-Controls. 20. Augmentations of The-Powers-That-Be through Sex-Acts. 21. Concealing all that is Alienative through Pretense. 22. Projecting all Evil outside of Our-Own-Relationships. 23. Projecting all Blame outside of Our-Own-Relationships 24. Projecting all Shame outside of Our-Own-Relationships 25. Making God-Be-Complicit in all of our Motivations. 26. Making God-Be-Complicit in all of our Planning. 27. Making God-Be-Complicit in all of our Cooperation. 28. Making God-Be-Complicit in all of our Collaborations. 29. Making God-Be-Transcendent-with-US in all that we do. 30. Expecting God to Clean-up-after-US when we fail. Be Graciously-Together in the Many-Ways-of-Shalom. (c) 2006 by Paul A. Smith in "Search for Honesty and Integrity" (On Being Yourself Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================