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This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %SHIFTING DEMONSTRATING NEW FOCI INTEGRATION LOVE 060913 %CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTIVE BUILDING UPWARD PRUDENT 060913 %WISDOM UNDERSTANDING EACH OTHER ALIEN ENEMY DEVILS 060913 %DESTRUCTIVE ANGER REVENGE GREED PRIDE COVET ENVY 060913 %HELPFUL RECONCILIATION HEALING HOSPITALITY CIVIL 060913 %CIVILIZATION CIVILITY MODERATION MODERATORS HEALTH 060913 ===================================================== Personal-and-Communal Integrities-and-Integrations Cannot-Survive Pervasive-Patterns of Contentious-Destructive-Violence. ===================================================== When Confronted with Pervasive-Patterns of Contentious-Destructive-Violence What can WE-DO to Mitigate the Pervasive-Patterns? ===================================================== RE-FOCUS upon Augmenting Constructive-Patterns of: Integration, Cooperation, Collaboration. Reconciliation, Healing, Hospitals, Hospitality. Mutuality, Balance, Dialogue, Sharing, Understanding. Conflict-Resolution, Building-Shalom, Wise-Prudence. ===================================================== Focusing upon the past will NOT get US out of IT. We need to CHANGE --- TO new constructive-foci. ===================================================== Come and covenant to focus on new constructive-foci. Come and covenant to focus on such as the following: Integrations, Cooperations, Collaborations. Reconciliation, Healing, Hospitals, Hospitality. Mutuality, Balance, Dialogue, Sharing, Understanding. Conflict-Resolution, Building-Shalom, Wise-Prudence. ===================================================== In order to focus upon such as the above NEW-FOCI, We must CHANGE --- By Letting-Go of OLD-FOCI. ===================================================== We often cling to OLD-FOCI by arguing about OLD-FOCI. We cannot Let-GO OLD-FOCI by arguing about OLD-FOCI. ===================================================== We can Let-GO OLD-FOCI by demonstrating NEW-FOCI. We can Let-GO OLD-FOCI by articulating NEW-FOCI. We can Let-Go OLD-FOCI by clarifying NEW-FOCI. We can Let-GO OLD-FOCI by integrating NEW-FOCI. ===================================================== Be Graciously-Together in the Many-Ways-of-Shalom. (c) 2006 by Paul A. Smith in "Search for Honesty and Integrity" (On Being Yourself Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================