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This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %SURVIVE REVOLUTION DESTRUCTIVE EXPLOSIVES GODS 060615 %RELIGIOUS LEADERS TOLERANCE INTOLERANCE GUIDE GOD 060615 %FORMAL INFORMAL TERRORISM TERRORISTS FEARS ALIENS 060615 %CORRUPT NEWS ENTERTAINMENT CAPITALISTS ADVERTISE 060615 %EXTREMIST FUNDAMENTALISTS ALIENATION EXCOMMUNICATE 060615 %TRUE LOVERS PEACEMAKER WAY SHALOM WHOLE INTEGRITY 060615 It is unlikely that humanity can survive the modern revolution in Technologies-of-Destruction that is being powered by Chemical-and-Nuclear-Explosives --- and guided by Both-Informal-and-Formal-Terrorists --- if Most- Religious-Leaders continue to Bless-and/or-Tolerate: 1. Theologies-of-Dominance-and-Domination. 2. Religious-Rituals-of-Domination. 3. Patterns-of-Unilateral-Salvation/Redemption. 4. Concentrations-of-Powers-and/or-Wealth. 5. Images of God as Dominant-Vengeful-and-Punitive. 6. Images of God as Violent-Coercive-Manipulative. 7. Distributive-Injustice 8. Patterns of Religious-Segregation and Intolerance. 9. Patterns of Religious-Arrogance-Self-Righteousness. 10. Indifference to suffering by the most vulnerable. 11. Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception. 12. Theological-Warfare among Polarized-Leaders. 13. Concentrations-of-Power/Wealth within churches. 14. The Raping of Life-Forms within Space-Ship-Earth. 15. Pretentious-Knowledge of that which is Transcendent. 16. Reverence-toward-Knowledge of Who-Is-Good-or-Evil. 17. Coveting Concentrated Powers-and/or-Wealth. 18. Coveting Pretentious-Certainty-and/or-Purity. On what grounds should any religious leader be honored if the religious leader does any of the above? (c) 2006 by Paul A. Smith in "Search for Honesty and Integrity" (On Being Yourself Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================