This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %TRUE FULL MEANINGFUL CONFLICT RESOLUTION MUTUAL 060511 %INVOLVED AFFECTED COOPERATE ENGAGE TOLERATE STANDS 060511 %CONTENTIOUS COERCION GREED EGO SATISFACTION ALIENS 060511 %SUPERIOR INFERIOR MORE LESS WINNER LOSER PROOF SIN 060511 %BIAS PREJUDICE ASSUME DEMAND RIGHTS SUBMISSION SEX 060511 %SERVICE SLAVE SERVANT LORD MASTER KING EMPEROR GOD 060511 True, full and meaningful Conflict-Resolution entails Mutual-Decisions of those involved in conflicts --- that it is better for them to cooperate --- than to engage in conflicts which entail: contentiousness, coercion, greed, ego-satisfactions, confrontations, superior-force, pretense and other alienative patterns of behavior. True, full and meaningful conflict resolutions are NOT ˙˙reached ˙through ˙UNILATERAL ˙initiatives ˙˙and actions intended to settle questions about: 1. Who-is superior and/or who-is inferior. 2. Who-is dominant and/or who-is submissive. 3. Who has more wealth/power and who-has less. 4. Who-is right and who-is wrong. 5. Who-is righteous and who-is not righteous. 6. Who-is saved and who-is dammed. 7. Who-should-rule and who-should-obey. 8. Who-should-be-humbled and who-should-be-praised. 9. Who-should-be-excluded and who-included. 10. Who-is-guilty and who-is free-of-guilt. 11. Who-is-complicit and who-is not complicit. 12. Who-is-forgive and who-continues-to-be-guilty. 13. Who-is-shamed and who-is-praised. 14. Who-is-humble and who-is-arrogant. So long as members of a community are trying to resolve conflicts in any of the above fourteen ways; or in other ways which share the same kinds of assumptions, beliefs and conviction as are found in the above fourteen ways --- they WILL-NOT truly or meaningfully resolve their conflicts. Conflicts can be Truly-and-Meaningfully-Resolved only in ways which entail many, if not all, of the following: 1. Cooperation, 2. Collaboration, 3. Open-and-Honest-Dialogue, 4. Acknowledging the roots of Past-Tragedies, 5. Learning from Past-Tragedies, 6. Moving beyond blaming, shaming and guilting, 7. Admitting Tragedies are rooted in high-ideals, 8. Admitting Tragedies are rooted in high-values, 9. Seeking through Integrations to avoid Tragedies, 10. Seeking to transcend Playing-Collusive-Games, 11. Seeking to transcend Domination-Systems, 12. Seeking to redeem the Fallen-Powers-That-Be, 13. Facilitating and Promoting Distributive-Justice, 14. Transcending the Myth-of-Redemptive-Violence, 15. Transcending the Myth-of-Redemptive-Coercion, 16. Transcending the Myth-of-Redemptive-Domination, 17. Transcending the Myth-of-Redemptive-Controls, 18. Transcending the Myth-of-Redemptive-Sacrifice, 19. Transcending Unilateral-Initiatives-as-Good, 20. Transcending Concentrations of Power/Wealth. (c) 2006 by Paul A. Smith in "Search for Honesty and Integrity" (On Being Yourself Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================