This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %ESSENCE RESISTANCE VIOLENCE COERCIVE ALIENATIVE 051207 %DECLINE PARTICIPATE ENGAGE HONOR RESPECT REVERE 051207 %ATTACK DEFEND OPPOSE NEGATE DESTROY KILL DENIGRATE 051207 %FUTILE TRAGIC QUESTIONS COMPULSIVE CONCERN ALIENS 051207 %COMPETITION WINNER LOSER DEFEAT EVIL INDIVIDUALS 051207 %SEPARATE WHOLE FRAGMENT FRACTAL MANDELBROUGHT SETS 051207 There are many contests over who will be dominant --- which are essentially pointless contests; e.g., over whose point of view will prevail in regards the the answers to the following Misleading-Questions: 1. How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? 2. What is the color of God's Hair? 3. Which humans are superior, in God's opinion? 4. Which humans will get into Heaven after their death? 5. Which humans should exercise great power for God? 6. How long ago did God create the Cosmos? 7. Was Darwin right in any sense about human evolution? 8. Does the Christian Bible correctly describe creation? 9. Does the Bible correctly answer science questions? 10. Is there anything which is impossible for God to do? Our dilemma is that we humans can use our languages to frame Misleading-Questions which it is essentially futile to try to answer in any meaningful way. Yet, Domineering-People use some such Misleading-Questions as the foci for contests determine who will be dominant. People who agree to engage in such contests --- thereby let Domineering-People Succeed-in-Dominating them. The Integrative-Way to deal with Domineering-People as regards such Misleading-Questions --- is to GRACIOUSLY- DODGE their Misleading-Questions by Graciously-Shifting- people's Attention-toward-more-Meaningful-Questions; thereby avoiding futile contests which are Alienative-and -Destructive. It is not essential that Domineering-People be defeated; made to appear to be inferior. It is not essential or helpful to Destroy-or-Alienate Domineering- People. However, to respect and/or honor such contests is to become domineering. RESISTANCE which is NOT-VIOLENT is essential to both Personal-and-Communal Integrations- and-Integrities. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in "Search for Honesty and Integrity" (On Being Yourself Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================