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%ADVANTAGEOUS SUCCESS ACHIEVE SALVATION REDEMPTION 050421 %REWARDS DOMINATION COERCION VIOLENCE RELIGION EVIL 050421 %RELATIONSHIPS KEEP SIMPLE AVOID COMPLEX SITUATIONS 050421 %FOCUS NARROW EXCLUDE HIGH CLASS CLUBS CHURCH GOODS 050421 %WORSHIP PARADOX IDOLS ONLY ABSOLUTE TRUTH IDEAL ID 050421 %COMPLEMENTARY MUTUAL BALANCE OPEN HONEST DIALOGUES 050421 Domineering-People find the following tendencies on their part to be advantageous to themselves-as-individuals and to themselves-collectively-as-Domineering-Groups; usually Focused-Narrowly upon: Religion, Theology, Politics, Being-Superior, Being-Good, Being-Righteous, Unilateral-Salvation, Unilateral-Rescues, etc. 1. Keep-It-Simple and Easily-Controlled/Dominated! 2. Avoid-and-Denigrate Uncontrolable-Complexity! 3. Avoid-Complicated Well-Integrated-Relationships! 4. Avoid-Complementary Complicated-Truths; Paradoxes! 5. Worship Only-One-Truth of any Complicated-Paradox! 6. The Essence-of-Righteousness is True-Conformity! 7. Righteous-People are Always-Rewarded-by-God! 8. People who are Well-Rewarded are Righteous-People! 9. It is God's will that only the Most-Fit-Survive! 10. All-Scriptures Need-our-Helpful-Interpretations! (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================