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%DISTRIBUTIVE JUSTICE ENOUGH EXCESS WEALTHY POWER 041220 %LACKING MISSING WANTING COVETING GETTING MORE GOOD 041220 %EVIL ALIENATION ESTRANGEMENT RELATIONSHIPS SEX GOD 041220 %BALANCE MUTUALITY EQUALITY SHARING HOSPITALITY SIN 041220 %CIVILITY TOLERANCE ARROGANCE FORGIVENESS EMPOWERED 041220 %DEMOCRACY PRIORITIES CORRUPT RELIGIONS RIGHTEOUS 041220 Within every group of interactive people there will always be dilemmas related to promoting and facilitating BALANCE as regards: 1. How assertive/domineering the wealthy/powerful people should be in giving guidance and motivation to the vulnerable, poor, marginalized, un-motivated, hungry, homeless, workless, etc. 2. How submissive and cooperative the vulnerable, poor, marginalized, un-motivated, hungry, thirsty, homeless and workless, etc. should be in the interest of minimizing contentiousness, polarization, dichotomies, conflicts, violence, etc. 3. How best to resolve conflicts in-truth, rather than merely in-appearances and dis-appearances via unilateral-eliminations. 4. How best to facilitate and promote truth-telling- to-power, via truth-telling among-the: vulnerable, poor, marginalized, un-motivated, hungry, thirsty, homeless and workless, 5. How best to facilitate and promote: truth- telling, honesty, kindness, generosity, distributive- justice, humility, cooperation, collaboration, meekness, and peace-making on the part of those who are: wealthy, powerful, honored, respected, coalition-creators, and most self-confident. 6. How best to facilitate and promote healthy: self- confidence, initiatives, speaking-truth-to-power, creativity, imagination, coalition-formation, political- wisdom-and-experience, mutual-understanding, systems- analysis, mutual-education, etc. --- among the vulnerable, poor, marginalized, un-motivated, hungry, homeless and workless. Distributive-justice entails sharing agreeably that which some have in excess --- with those who have less- than-enough. People need to be helped to recognize when they have MORE THAN ENOUGH; i.e., EXCESS. People need to be helped to recognize and give due consideration to those who do not have enough; and to share with them some excess so that all will have enough. People need to be helped to recognize that it is not good, honorable, helpful, or worthy of respect --- for them to have far more than enough --- when their neighbors have far less than enough. Such unbalanced distribution of goods and power is not good --- in that it promotes and facilitates both personal and communal disintegrations in the long term. Such truths need to be recognized and acknowledged by all people in mutually complementary ways, else all people disintegrate in inevitable ways which the most powerful cannot prevent unilaterally; i.e., without cooperating with those who do not have enough. The seriousness of the dilemmas pointed to above increases as: 1. Power, wealth, influence, respect, honor, etc. become more concentrated and extreme with increasing disparities between those who have more-than-enough and those who have less-than-enough. 2. The number of people within an intimate-group, family, community, neighborhood, city, state, nation, or Space-Ship-Earth becomes larger and/or more concentrated. 3. The levels of attempted intimacy, vulnerabilities and sexual involvements within the above situations increase. 4. The assertive attempts to get-things-done become: unbalanced, extreme, unilateral, polarized, dichotomized, contentious, coercive, technocratic, impersonal, and/or violent. 5. The essential-foundations-for-integrities are tragically/frequently: absent, missing, lacking, ignored, forgotten, not-recognized-as-absent, etc. 6. Domination-Systems are increasingly worshipped, trusted, honored and taken for granted. 7. Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception are increasingly worshipped, trusted, honored, and taken for granted. 8. Addictions and their Codependent-Supporters are increasingly worshipped, trusted, honored, and taken for granted. 9. Religions, ethical-systems-, moral-systems, and political systems become increasingly formalized and focused upon: conformity versus non-conformity, right versus wrong, ABSOLUTE-TRUTH versus complementary-truths, POWERFUL-DOMINANT-AUTHORITIES versus diverse-personal- experiences, more versus enough, loyalty versus authenticity, propriety versus creativity, exclusive and/or idolatrous versus paradoxical/complementary-truths, etc. 10. People lose-track-of essential-virtues such as: honesty, civility, modesty, hospitality, tolerance, humility, balance, mutuality, cooperation, collaboration, diversity, complementations, integrations, integrities, authenticity, transparencies, generosity, forgiveness, moderation, enough and distributive-justice. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================