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%METHODOLOGICAL CHALLENGES DILEMMAS TRAGIC EVENTS 040913 %TRADITIONS VIOLENCE COERCION DOMINATION MYTH DEVIL 040913 %REDEMPTIVE SALVATION RESCUES CODEPENDENT SUPPORTER 040913 %ADDICTION POWER CONCENTRATIONS CORRUPTION DECAYS 040913 %LOGIC REASON SCHOLARS SCIENTISTS PROPHETS SPIRITS 040913 %PURITANICAL STANDARDS SEXUAL RELATIONSHIPS REFORMS 040913 There are major methodological challenges which face True-Lovers within each community challenged by: 1. Traditions of violence, coercion and domination. 2. Traditional respect for Myths-of-Redemtive Violence. 3. Respect for Military-Industrial-Complexes. 4. Respect for collusions, profitable-dishonesty, etc. 5. Respect for profitable addictions, corruption, etc. In such a community, virtues and vices have become confused, systems-analysis has become perverted and/or confused, definitions of "good" and "evil" are confused and applied in misleading ways, and religious leaders are often in the service of disintegrative idols. To which authorities are True-Lovers to appeal in ways that are reliable and worthy of respect, support and perhaps even reverence? How is any reliable source of authority to be recognized under the circumstances? Does the authority-in-question: 1. Favor the rich and powerful in preferential ways? 2. Suggest taking advantage of the poor and vulnerable? 3. Rely on coercion and violence to maintain control? 4. Favor open and honest discussion of many alternatives? 5. Favor alienative tools, attitudes, and procedures? 6. Show indifference to personal & communal integrities? 7. Suggest sacrificing personal & communal integrities? 8. Act as if the most powerful should define virtues? 9. Act as if vices should never be described accurately? 10. Act as if conformity is central to all true virtues? In the kind of society which is in question, how are confused people to start to learn how to ask and respond wisely to new questions which transcend the roots of the central communal dilemmas and tragedies? How can True- Lovers in such a community start to build the foundations for recovery from their communal-dis-ease? Maintaining their traditions is not likely to be the wise and prudent way out of their dilemmas and tragic-patterns of living in disintegrative ways! Ancient taboos, collusions and punishments have not been helpful --- because of the alienation and evil-relationships which flow from them. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================