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%ITERATION SUCCESSIVE APPROXIMATIONS MULTIPLE STEPS 040516 %REPETITIONS REVISIT RETURN LEARNING PROCESS RITUAL 040516 %GROWTH CHANGE EVOLUTION REPENTANCE FORGIVENESS SIN 040516 %MISTAKE BLUNDER TRAGEDY CATASTROPHE CONFUSION EVIL 040516 %DISEASE MENTAL ILLNESS RELATIONSHIPS DYSFUNCTIONAL 040516 %INSIGHT PRAYER MEDITATION PROPHESY DESCRIPTION LAW 040516 It is helpful to recognize, facilitate, promote and encourage: 1. Learning through successive approximations of understanding. Repeating a learning process or ritual may on successive repetitions engender additional understanding and learning as inter-related bits of insight, perception, perspectives, and knowledge fall into place. Understanding how to use computer, cell-phone, and other electronic equipment often entails learning through successive approximations of understanding. 2. UN-learning through successive approximations of understanding. People who are in the process of beginning to learn the meanings and implications of "Newton's Laws of Physics" often must UN-learn their intuitive sense of how and why objects start and stop moving, accelerate, decelerate, move along curved paths, change direction of motion, etc. Intuitive and Aristotelian ways of understanding such processes seem to be "right", "proper" and "successful" and worthy of retention. Retaining such incomplete ways of understanding stand in the way and block the more complete and accurate "Newtonian" ways of understanding motion, speed, velocity, and acceleration and what produces changes in them. Hestenes and Halon of The University of Arizona pioneered this understanding of "Misconceptions of Physics". 3. Recognizing that different and sometimes apparently contradictory statements can be equivalent ways of pointing to particular realities/processes from different points of view. PHYSICISTS have COOPERATED in coming to recognized such equivalences in regards to the Newtonian, Lagrangian, Poissonian, Hamiltonian, Schrodinger, and Dirac ways of DESCRIBING the MOTIONS/PROCESSES of INTEGRATIONS of objects of various sizes, natures and velocities. In contrast: RELIGIOUS- LEADERS have often ENGAGED-IN-CONTENTIOUS-DEBATES-AND-WARS over how to POINT-TO/DESCRIBE the natures of spiritual realities, processes and interactions among people and spiritual relationships. Religious leaders have often FAILED-TO-COOPERATE in the formulation of the laws of motion, change, growth and evolution for reflexive beings, processes and relationships. 4. Stories, texts, fables, parables, songs and scriptures which are understood in one way as a child may be understood in additional, complementary and more profound ways as an adult in --- the light of additional experiences encountered as we move through the stages of human maturation, growth and spiritual evolution. It is often helpful to re-visit stories, texts, fables, parables, songs and scriptures at different ages of our being who we can become. 5. Iterations in the successive stages of creating a carved object, solutions to a math-problem, or descriptions-of: realities, friendships, relationships, intimacies, marriages, effective-humane-organizations, corporations, coalitions, cooperatives, songs, dramas, symphonies, choruses, orchestras, etc. 6. Iterative processes are complicated enough when it is only one or a few people of "like-mind" who are involved. Complexity, misunderstandings, conflict and violence are likely to increase as the number of people involved increases --- as the diversity of peoples involved increases. Conflict-resolution is difficult to achieve among many domineering people who each want to enjoy unilateral-one-step-success at being unilaterally "in-control." Most good "things" come-into-being-gradually through cooperative-many-steps-stages; not-in-a-flash, suddenly. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================