This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %PROBLEMS DILEMMA TRAGIC EVIL DEFINE MISLEADING WAY+020824 %NONCONFORMIST DOMINEERING VIOLENT THOUGHTLESSLY+020824 %RESIST REFUSE REJECTION OBEY OBEDIENCE VICTIMIZE+020824 %VULNERABLE ISOLATED ESTRANGED HEALTHY WELLNESS+020824 %EDUCATED HOUSED CONNECTED POWERFUL POLICE PROTECT+020824 %PRIVACY RIGHTS SEXUAL ABUSE INTIMACY TRUST RESPECT 020824 There are many problems with "evil": 1. How we respond to what ever we regard as "evil" depends greatly upon how we define what we mean by "evil". 2. There are some tragically misleading ways in which "evil" has often been defined; e.g., as having to do with: creative nonconformist individuals, resisting domineering people in non-violent ways, refusing to thoughtlessly obey domineering people, etc. 3. Evil tends to victimize vulnerable and isolated people more than people who are: healthy, well, well-fed, well-educated, well-housed, well-connected, wealthy, powerful, etc. 4. Vulnerable people need more "police-protection" than others --- and people who are traditionally hired to do "police-duty" often include among them a fair number of domineering people who yield to the temptation to take advantage of vulnerable people. 5. Much of the most destructive "evil" victimizes vulnerable people within the contexts of their most intimate and private relationships --- so that "policing" those kinds of contexts entails the great dangers of empowering the violation of privacy rights by relatively powerful people who are willing to violate privacy rights. 6. It is difficult to define/draw unambiguous boundaries between the honest sharing of personal: ideals, values, hopes, principles, aspirations, perceptions and experiences --- and becoming involved in sexual intimacies which are inappropriate, unwise, and ARE likely to involve abuse and the transmission of both dis- ease and diseases because of unbalanced levels of powers on the part of those who are moving in the direction premature, unwise and imprudent levels of vulnerability in intimate relationships. 7. Those people and relationships which are most "evil" are those which are most skillfully dishonest, hidden, mis-represented, and difficult to understand. 8. Those people who are most respected and trusted are in positions of power where they can do extreme damage by yielding to the temptation to take advantage of people who are vulnerable to their powers, leadership skills and positions-of-concentrated-power. 9. Many gentle people shy away from positions of great responsibility, power and leadership --- because they fear that they will be blamed, shamed and guilted for whatever goes "wrong", Thus many domineering fools rush in where gentle angels fear to tread. 10. Common people are more likely to follow the leadership of confident leaders who are sure of themselves: even when the chosen leaders are ignorant, misinformed, confused, arrogant and self-righteous people who engender evil-relationships and so engender evil- people. 11. Evil is does not yield graciously to traditional scientific, scholarly, philosophical, legislative, legal, administrative or theological --- detection, analysis and management efforts. Evil-relationships and evil-people are ultimately dedicated to subverting all such detection, analyses and management efforts --- regardless of the ultimate costs. 12. Highly respected evil-relationships and evil- people tap into concentrations of power --- to help them conceal their: natures, powers, dishonesties, deceptions, addictions, codependencies, collusions, and pretentious- life-styles. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================