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This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %ROOTS CONFLICTS DEVILS SUBSETS WHOLE CIVILIZATION+020415 %PERSONAL COMMUNAL INTEGRITY FOUNDATIONS EXCLUSIVE+020415 %REFUSE INCLUDE ACCEPT REJECTION WHOLE HEALTHY GOD+020415 %FOUNDATIONS INTEGRATION COMPLEMENTARY PARADOX SIN+020415 %LABEL GOOD EVIL KNOWLEDGE WHO POWER CORRUPTION+020415 %COERCION CONFLICT BATTLE WAR TERRORISM CIVILITY 020415 Conflicts often occur between SUBSETS of whole populations; and the whole. Conflicts often occur between SUBSETS of whole foundations for personal and communal integrity; and the whole foundation for both personal and communal integrity. Conflicts occur when people refuse to consider the the whole of a population; focusing instead upon an EXCLUSIVE small SUB-SET of the whole. Conflicts occur when people refuse to consider all parts of the foundations for both personal and communal integrity; focusing instead upon an EXCLUSIVE small SUB-SET of all parts of the whole foundation for both personal and communal integrity. EXCLUSIVITY often plays a central role in conflicts. Integration & integrity are undermined by EXCLUSIVE: people, gangs, groups, organization, ideals, values, goals, religious-institutions, paradigms and political coalitions. Integration is often the process of bringing together complementary parts of a whole which has been torn apart by exclusive people and their exclusive considerations. Integration is often opposed by domineering individuals who use: coercion, violence, confusion, chaos, dishonesty, sin, and evil relationships as their foundations for promoting an exclusive set of special interests/advantages. INTEGRATIVE people are often at odds with EXCLUSIVE ones; because they are working to support INTEGRATION --- which undermines EXCLUSIVITY --- which seeks to undermine: civility, civics, civilization, health, understanding, truth, faith, hope, love, honesty, hospitality, authenticity, conflict-resolution, peacemaking, shalom. INTEGRATION is at odds with EXCLUSIVITY. Which of the two merit more of our honor, respect and support? Why? So? 1 While exclusive people may agree with each other about the wisdom of being exclusive; they rarely agree with each other about whom to exclude --- are often exclusive towards each other --- because they rarely agree on what criteria should be the basis for deciding who is good and who is evil. While exclusive people may agree with each other about the wisdom of putting labels upon others; they rarely agree with each other about whom to label: "good", "friend", "trustworthy", "loyal", "in"; "out", "evil", "enemy", "traitor", "dispensable", etc. While exclusive people may agree with each other about the wisdom of using coercion, punishments, threats, prisons, dishonesty, appearances, deception, secrecy, violence and war; they rarely agree-all-around about whom to trust as worthy of being in the small inner circle of powerful leaders who have the special advantages of being fully "in"; ONE of the best -- with true and complete integrity. How could they be that ONE? 1? (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================