This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %DEFINE SUCCESS HONOR ATTENTION FOCUS PREOCCUPATION+000518 %DOMINATION SYSTEM COOPERATION MUTUALITY BALANCE 000518 Our personal and communal integrity and health depend upon how we define "success" through whom we regard as "successful" --- by focusing upon them our attention, news, stories, honor, respect, support and/or votes. We need to beware of defining supporters of "The Domination System" as successful; i.e., beware of defining "success" in terms of domination, controls, power, influence, potency, efficiency, coercion, violence, possessions, territory, and WINNING at the expense of others who are vulnerable. We define "success" through whom we regard as "successful" --- and vice versa. We need to beware of doing either thoughtlessly. We need to beware of doing one intentionally; while doing the other thoughtlessly. We need to beware of doing both thoughtlessly. We need to beware of focusing much attention upon dominant people; but little attention upon cooperative people --- for thereby we are likely to empower dominant people and emasculate cooperative people. We need to beware of focusing much attention upon the "successes" of dominant men, but little attention upon the essential services which are performed by cooperative women. We need to beware of thoughtlessly supporting "The Domination System" and its supporters. We need to beware of erecting monuments and granting honor primarily to people whose service to country has occurred within the context of the use of coercion, dishonesty, violence, guns, bombs, terror, fear and anxiety. We need to beware of how we define "success" and whom we regard as "successful" --- by how we focus our and other people's attention. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================