Use "another-word" from below, with "sex" used as above, to find other intesting essays
written to encourage profound thinking and dialogue. Beware of thinking that anyone
has all the right answers, or THE TRUTH! Beware of those who "feel" or
"think" that they do have all the right answers, or THE TRUTH!
Words below can be used flexibly with "sex" in Boolian-search-strings **
intimacy friend security vulnerability coercion invulnerable authentic
honest arrogant gracious addict hope recover peace war forgive terror
alcohol health attack consent contentious civility contest cooperate
win shalom lose superior humility best power concentrate corrupt gain
distributive justice win heal marriage abuse rape share control disease
pornography prostitution legal taboo forbid prescribe proscribe God heaven
pray vision dream tempt temptation yield submit let go permit open relax
integrity conform conformity coherent loyal loyalty bond right civil
diversity different privacy privat creative birth mental Jack Jill
Following below are possible full-search-strings for you to highlight and copy into
the space for full Boolean search strings **
Highlight a search-string by cursor-drag followed by high-above-left L-clicking on "Edit",
then in the pull-down menu L-clicking on "Copy". Then L-click on **
at and
in the browser L-click on the tiny-text
"Advanced Search" to the upper right of the word
SEARCH, and in the new window that appears L-click on ( ) Boolean, then L-click inside
the long horizontal box for the the search-string, then L-click high-above-left on "Edit",
then in the pull-down menu L-click on "Paste", then below the long-horizontal-box with the
inserted search-string L-click on "SEARCH". You should get a report wherein the
underlined-items are L-clickable-links that you may click on.
INCLUDE AND just before AND
The FOUR lines below are search-strings you may copy to your search engine's search-string location.
essayz AND "==>" AND sex AND integrity AND conform AND
essayz AND "==>" AND sex AND (integrity OR conform) AND
essayz AND "==>" AND sex AND intimacy AND vulnerable AND
essayz AND "==>" AND sex AND (intimacy OR vulnerable) AND safe AND security AND
Different search combinations will yield different numbers of hits, maybe zero!
If you get zero, lift or change some restriction put into the search string.
An effort will be made to offer here some guidance on searching this web site using
the search engine ** while keeping two windows available, one for
the search engine and its reports, the other for useful information from this web
site. It appears best to have the window be a verticle narrow
box across the left end of the screen; and to have information from this web site
in a long box across about the top one third of the screen. The two boxes can be
set up by clicking on the over-lapping squares in each window's upper right
corner and then modifying the corners/margines by putting the cursor, left-click-and
hold-and-mouse-move procedures to get the windows shaped/position as indicated.
An effort will be made to offer a more complete/transparent set of suggestions in
due course along the above lines.