This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %PROVEN WRONG DISINTEGRATIVE COLLUSIVE EGO PRIDE+981001 %ADDICTIVE CODEPENDENT POSITION CONFLICT CONTEND 981001 Some people, families, tribes, cities, states, parties, nations, etc. --- absolutely will not tolerate anybody who reveals that they were/are wrong in regards to a position taken, a belief affirmed, a perception reported, etc. It is a matter of ultimate concern to them to maintain at least the appearance of always being right. Their idolatry is that they worship the sanctity of their ego stances --- and they defend that sanctity no matter what the ultimate costs may be to themselves and/or to others. The severity of exposure of mistakes which exceeds people's levels of tolerance may vary: 1. Finding that somebody in public has failed to enthusiastically support their positions, affirmations, statements, etc. 2. Finding that somebody in the presence of some other person(s) has failed to enthusiastically support their positions, affirmations, statements, etc. 3. Finding that somebody in private has failed to enthusiastically support their positions, affirmations, statements, etc. 4. Being told to their face in public that they were wrong. 5. Being told to their face in front of some other person(s) that they were wrong. 6. Being told to their face in private that they were wrong. 7. Having statements made in public which contradict their stand, positions, statements, etc. 8. Having statements made before one or more persons which contradict their stand, positions, statements, etc. 9. Having statements made in private which contradict their stand, positions, statements, etc. Our personal and public integrities are placed at risk when such intolerant people are respected, honored, granted positions of power, and otherwise empowered to undermine personal and communal integrity. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================