This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %TO LOVE PERSON BEING TRUE SELF OTHERS 950525 To love a person is to accept into open and honest dialogue the imperfect person who is seeking to be true to self and others. Lovers do not accept other persons into open and honest dialogue because they are perfect, or because they are trying to conform to some ideal form. Lovers are not preoccupied with appearances, but with seeking to be true true to themselves and to each other. To accept a person into open and honest dialogue is not to approve of what they have done, what they are, or what they are trying to be and do. To accept a person is to seek to be in open and honest dialogue with the person who is seeking to be true to self and others. We cannot fully and truly accept into open and honest dialogue people who are playing collusive games of mutual self deception in the manner of addicts and their codependent supporters---because they are not seeking to be true to themselves and to others. They do not accept any invitation to participate in open and honest dialogue. To be fully and truly accepted into open and honest dialogue, a person must accept the transcendent importance of seeking to be true to self and others in open and honest dialogue. It takes two to dialogue. To be accepted, the acceptance must be mutual. Acceptance is not some technical procedure which one person does to another person. Acceptance entails mutually seeking to be true to self and to each other who enters the relationship of acceptance with its risk, vulnerability and security known as the freedom to be safely vulnerable---acceptance it is not unilateral. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================