This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %DOMINANT ADDICTIVE THEORISTS LEGALISTS MORALISTS+941202 %SHOULD MUST UNIVERSAL VALIDITY REQUIRE PROHIBIT 941202 Theorists often dominate over experimentalists and existentialists---both in the objective sciences and in reflexive relationships. This is often done out of respect for theorists and legalists who presume to know how things and people SHOULD behave, and to show less respect for experimentalists and existentialists who merely know how things and people are in reality. Reality is often very imperfect and not worthy of much respect. Perfection is much more worthy of respect than imperfection; so the world of theory and ideals is more likely to receive respect, than is the world of tragedies, failures and regrets. Thus the people who specialize in theories, ideals and values get more respect than the people who are well informed and honestly focused upon how things really are for most people and places. Focusing honestly upon how things really are tends to undermine the respect which is often granted to theorists who are out of touch with reality. Such honesty is prone to reveal how out of touch theorists are with reality, with each other, and with experimentalists who are in touch with reality, with each other, and with transcendent powers which they do not presume to understand, manipulate or control. It makes a great deal of difference whom we respect and support. We need to learn how to recognize, name, describe and talk about the integrative and disintegrative consequences of our decisions to respect and support some people, to the exclusion of respecting and supporting contrasting and complimentary kinds of people. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================