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This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %DYSFUNCTIONAL ADDICTIVE DENIAL DISHONEST PRETEND+941104 %EXPERIENCE EMOTION BASIC NEED THOUGHT DESIRE SIN+941104 %GUILT SHAME REJECTION EXCOMMUNICATION ACCEPTANCE 941104 To recover health and integrity we need often to recognize the way in which denial, dishonesty and pretense are dysfunctionally used as tools of manipulation in efforts to survive. It does no good to deny, be dishonest about, or pretend that we did not have an experience which we really did have. Our own experiences are the foundations of our true reality and our personal integrity. We disintegrate when we try to survive by denying, being dishonest about, or pretending that the foundations of our integrity do not exist. We have basic human needs. It does no good to deny, be dishonest about, or pretend that we do not have the basic human needs which we do have. We cannot survive by manipulating the appearance of what we need---to conform our appearances so as to fulfill other people's expectations of us. We have certain unique desires, wants, hopes and aspirations; they are truly ours. They may be misguided, unwise, inconsiderate, and foolish---but they are ours. It does no good to deny the reality of, be dishonest about, or pretend that we do not have the desires, wants, hopes and aspirations which are truly ours. We cannot survive by manipulating the appearance of what we desire, want, hope for and aspire to---so as to fulfill other people's expectations of us. We do, however, need to be wise and be prudent about seeking to fulfill each desire, want, hope and aspiration. We do need to be realistic, considerate and sensitive to other people's desires, wants, hopes and aspirations---without being dishonest. We have certain human limitations which we cannot transcend. We cannot live forever. We cannot use resources which are not available to us, or do not exist. We cannot work miracles which violate God's regulations of natural processes as described by fully verified scientific descriptive laws. We cannot be objective about ourselves in detached ways. It does no good to deny the reality of, be dishonest about, or pretend that we do not have the limitations which God has placed upon our existence. Dishonesty is not the way to survive with meaning and satisfaction. We do not achieve virtue, goodness, success or satisfaction by PRETENDING to: be, desire, want, need, hope-for, expect, or experience what others expect, require or demand of us. Such pretense is not a virtue, good, or a ground for hope. To recover health and integrity we need often to recognize the way in which denial, dishonesty and pretense are dysfunctionally used as tools of manipulation in efforts to survive. To survive meaningfully we need to search for integrity and honesty as we seek to be ourselves, whole and healthy. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================