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This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %KINDS MISTAKES IMPORTANT RECOGNIZE NAME DESCRIBE+940721 %TALK UNDERSTAND BLUNDER INTERPRET LANGUAGE ACTION+940721 %DECISION SLIP CONFUSE FORGET 940721 It is important that we, as individuals and as communities, learn how to recognize, name, describe and talk about the various kinds of mistakes we make---and about the differences between them; else we will not be able to wisely deal with the mistakes and/or the differences between the various kinds of mistakes. For example: 1. Some mistakes are simple physical slips or blunders which are not understandably related to attitudes, concepts, assumptions, beliefs, perceptions, language, or communal interactions. Such a mistake may be due to a person in an accidental emergency not having the physical strength to do what needs to be done. The concept of a "Freudian slip" suggests that there is probably a continuous spectrum of kinds of mistakes with simple physical slips or blunders at one extreme and individual/collective "Freudian slips" at another extreme. 2. Some mistakes are rooted in conceptual slips or blunders which lead to decisions and action which are mistakes. 3. Some mistakes are rooted in mis-pronunciations of words and/or mis-hearings of words which are central to the conveyance of meaning in verbal communications. 4. Some mistakes are rooted in systemic conceptual misunderstandings which lead people to make unwise decisions. 5. Some mistakes are rooted in confusion. 6. Some mistakes are rooted in ignorance regarding objective realities and objective relationships; and how best to understand and manipulate them wisely. 7. Some mistakes are rooted in ignorance regarding reflexive realities and reflexive relationships; and how to participate in them wisely. Dysfunctionality in communities is more often rooted in systemic mistakes related to addictions, collusions and co-dependencies---than to simple blunders and ignorance due to lack of experience. People and communities which repeatedly make the same kinds of mistakes over and over, are not making simple blunders and are not the victims of lack of experience---they are the perpetuators and the victims of addictions, collusions and codependent relationships which support addictions and collusions. Wisdom in such instances is impossible in the absence of a search for honesty and integrity. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================