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This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %ESCAPE PRISON DOUBLE BIND COLLUSION ADDICTION JOY+940708 %TRANSCEND DISHONESTY CODEPENDENCE DETACH ATTACH+940708 %MANAGE CHURCH CONFLICT RESOLUTION BYSTANDER WATCH+940708 %AUDIENCE REVELATION EXPOSE MOTIVATION AVOIDANCE+940708 %LACK EXCLUSION OMISSION FOCUS DIVERT ATTENTION 940708 How shall we behave so as best to transcend our prisons of double-bind dilemmas, collusions, addictions, codependence, compulsive violence? Not by responding in kind to those who are most into that which we wish to transcend! Responding in kind breeds more of the same kind, not kindness if responding in kind is not kind; i.e., NOT: gentle, gracious, loving, forgiving, responsive, honest, spontaneous, generous, liberating, etc. People who maintain conflicts are not interested in conflict-resolution. Such people want to manage conflicts to keep them going to their own advantage---or so they think. Such people do not want to minimize violence; they plan to use violence and threats of violence to their own advantage---or so they think. Their dishonesty leaves them utterly confused about advantage and disadvantage and they cannot think clearly. People who maintain conflicts think it is to their advantage to undermine clear thinking because that makes people more vulnerable to manipulation. They are so confused that they do not realize that the confusion which they generate makes them more vulnerable to manipulation and is not truthfully to their advantage. It only appears to be to their advantage if they want to think so. People who maintain conflicts are not dedicated to promoting personal and communal integrity; but they try to appear to be respectable people by an elaborate system of deceptive levers, wheels, gears and thrusters. It is an unbalanced system which can be undermined by the clear light of daily honesty and clarity. The way to respond to such people who maintain conflicts is: honestly, simply, clearly, lovingly, gently, forgivingly, and transparently with good-will. In that way their elaborate system of deceptions will be exposed for what it is and it will collapse. People who maintain conflicts do so in part by maintaining control of the agenda. They divert attention away from all that they lack, ignore, neglect and refuse to pay attention to---for keeping attention diverted is essential to maintaining their elaborate system of deceptions as a cover for their dishonesty and lack of integrity. To remove their cover attention needs to be directed to all that they lack, ignore, neglect and refuse to pay attention to. Contentious people are not balanced, and their audience needs to shift their attention to the ways in which they are out of balance. People who maintain conflicts focus too much attention upon conflicts and upon their justifications for maintaining conflicts in an active state of continuation. They divert attention away from the importance of honesty, personal integrity, communal integrity, health- maintenance, preventive medicine, child care, forgiveness, reconciliation, listening, dialogue, and security known as the freedom to be safely vulnerable. To transcend the conflicts which such people maintain --- we need to shine a gracious and honest light upon all that they are trying to divert attention away from. People who maintain conflicts are most vulnerable to being changed where they have the most difficulty---in their maintaining an appearance of integrity and honesty. They need to be encouraged to discover that real integrity and honesty are preferable to fake integrity and honesty. They need to be discouraged from trying to maintain a mere appearance of integrity and honesty by having respect for any deceptive efforts withdrawn. They need to be encouraged to shift towards searching for integrity and honesty. To help people who are in the compulsive habit of maintaining conflicts become less violent, we need to offer to them the gift of true security which they may come to know as the freedom to be safely vulnerable in open and honest intimate relationships. Responding to them in kind, in their manner is not kind and is not the helpful kind of response---for it is instead supportive of their efforts to maintain their favorite conflicts. Their kinds of reactions are disintegrative. Truly kind responses are truly honest and integrative. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================