This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %LET GO DEFENSE OFFER ACCEPT TRUE SECURITY LOVE 931212 We cannot safely let go of our defenses until we have been offered and we have accepted the true security of being free to be safely vulnerable. Others cannot let go of their defenses until we have offered to them and they have accepted from us the true security of being free to be safely vulnerable. The work of Love is the work of motivating, leading, guiding and helping us to be free to let go of our defenses through the offering of and acceptance of the true security of being free to be safely vulnerable. God is Love. God works to motivate us, lead us, guide us, and help us to become free to let go of our defenses, legalisms, and judgmentalism. God offers to us the true security of being free to be safely vulnerable in Her presence. God is Truth Incarnate. God is not abstract: virtue, perfection, knowledge, discipline, law, righteousness, propriety, or the power to be in control. God is not the prime mover, leader, guide or helper of people who are compulsively preoccupied with abstract: virtue, perfection, knowledge, discipline, law, righteousness, propriety, or the power to be in control. When we make God in the image of our dysfunctional parents, friends, lovers, teachers, and governmental officials we thereby imprison ourselves in their dysfunctional assumptions, attitudes, thought patterns and emotions. We need to be honest about their dysfunctional ways and open ourselves up to what our True God offers to us and what we can offer to each other as True Security. Only then will we know True Serenity known as Shalom. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================