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This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %SECRET INTEGRITY CONSCIOUS HONESTY INTIMACY LOVE 930416 Much may be revealed about a community and its members by giving careful attention to what is kept hidden, and for what reasons each hidden reality is kept hidden. We keep hidden that which a community does not accept, respect, or relate to in a comfortable way. We keep hidden what embarrasses members of the community and engenders fear in them. Often what we keep hidden reveals our lack of personal and communal integrity; for our reasons for keeping some realities hidden lack integrity. We keep many truths hidden by reason of disintegrative fears which are rooted in our respected addictions, codependencies and collusive games of mutual self deception. It may be taboo to reveal truths which have come to us in moments of insight/revelation; so we keep such truths hidden, safely repressed and suppressed. They are our traditionally hidden truths. We keep hidden many of our most integrative human experiences; because if revealed they would threaten our most powerful addicts, codependents and collusive leaders who dominate our states of consciousness. Such revelations would lead to us being rejected, despised, and excommunicated by powerful members of our community whom we in our misguided ignorance tend to respect. Thus we keep hidden many aspects of being fully human in intimate reflexive relationships where there are intimations of honest sexuality and truly mutual relationships. We keep hidden our understandings of our truly reflexive relationships, for they cannot be verified in the objective ways which elicit consensus among powerful manipulative experts in various kinds of research and scholarship. Through our failure to acknowledge and reveal our insights into truly reflexive relationships we fall into patterns of self and mutual deception and dishonesty. Some truths are traditionally hidden truths which are unconventional and non-conformal in nature. We need to work to set each other free to be honest about our most integrative experiences; to give and to accept true security as a charitable gift. Our traditionally hidden truths are not false; they remain hidden in us occasioning tension between our mutual self deceptions and our true reflexive perceptions of reality. To transcend our collusions, addictions, codependencies, and traditions of hiding many reflexive truths, we need to repeatedly acknowledge our failures to control with integrity all that we have tried to control. We need to set each other free to uncover and reveal our traditionally hidden truths, insights, perceptions and experiences. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================