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This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %SALVATION SUFFER PUNISH SHARE MISTAKE SIN FAIL FIX 910325 Generous people who believe that the key to their salvation lies in their suffering are prone to share their suffering with other people so that they too can be saved. Punishment promotes suffering which is the key to salvation. It is not hard to find appropriate occasions for suffering through punishment, for nobody is perfect and so everybody makes mistakes which provide appropriate occasions for suffering through punishment. People who believe that the key to their salvation is suffering, can find many occasions to suffer because they can punish themselves every time they make even a small mistake, or imagine that they have made a mistake. By extension they can share such procedures with others, and be the occasion from many other people having the benefits of suffering which occasions salvation. People who believe that the key to their salvation is suffering, will be prone to feel guilty on any occasion when they are not suffering, and so are not participating in they key to their salvation. They cannot feel comfortable with pleasure, joy, love, affection, health, or any occasion of well being. They adopt emotional and intellectual life styles, which insure that they will not be confronted with such uncomfortable occasions; for they do not know how to accept them gracefully. All people need to learn by example how to accept pleasure joy, love, affection, health and well being with personal integrity. All people need to have and live by an integrative theory of suffering which promotes health and well being; rather than promoting perverse thought and behavior patterns. While some suffering comes into every life; it is perverse to believe that it is our duty to seek out suffering and to promote suffering, so that other people can be saved. Suffering is the key to salvation leads to perverse and disintegrative life styles which involve disintegrative self punishment and inter-personal violence. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================