This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %SYSTEMIC LACK FAIL DISINTEGRATE VALUE ADDICT 890203 The failures in a community may be rooted in systemic lacks and failures, rather than in isolated individual lacks and failures. Communal problems may well be rooted in communal lack and failures, rather than in individualistic lacks and failures. The resolution of such systemic predicaments requires systemic responses, not just uncoordinated individualistic responses. The sum of a set of uncoordinated individualistic responses does not constitute a systemic communal response, and is an inadequate response to a systemic predicament. Communities which are plagued by the diseases of addiction, codependence, collusions, taboos, guilt, rejection, alienation, misunderstanding, etc. are disintegrating because of disintegrative actions of individuals and systemic communal structures. Such actions are often well intended, sincere, and based upon strongly held beliefs and convictions. To ask those engaged in such disintegrative actions to be true to their ideals will resolve no problem and transcend no predicament. Disintegrative actions are motivated by considerations inadequately related to promoting both personal and communal integrity. Ideals, values, beliefs, convictions, institutions, technologies, etc. which are inadequately related to promoting both personal and communal integrity ultimately lead people into decisions and actions which are disintegrative. Such leading is often systemic; part of a communal system which transcends individual considerations and power. To the extent that leading communal considerations are inadequately related to promoting both personal and communal integrity the considerations are arbitrary, capricious and discriminatory. On the basis of such inadequate considerations human actions become arbitrary, capricious and discriminatory; the actions are not rooted in integrative Love. It is not enough to talk about Love and feel warm fuzzies. It is essential to understand some of the dynamics of Love. It is essential to be able to recognize that which puts on the mask of love, but is not authentic. It is essential to be able to recognize what is behind the mask of love when it appears as if it is authentic Love. Authentic Love is always related to both personal and communal integrity. Authentic love is not rooted in arbitrary rules, regulations, legalities, moral codes, taboos, guilt trips, technocratic requirements, threats, punishments, rewards, etc. Authentic lovers seek both personal and communal integrity for they are ultimately one in reality. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================