This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %DYNAMIC STATIC VALUE IDEAL OBJECT ATTITUDE GOAL 881217 Scientists describe the regularities in relationships which are observed in the dynamic interactions among impersonal objects. Scientists focus upon elementary constituents and elementary relationships among elementary constituents. Their manner of approach is objective and analytic. There is a need to describe honestly the regularities in relationships which are observed in the dynamic interactions among persons and live members of the personal ecosystem. Such descriptions will focus upon holistic realities and holistic webs of inter-relationships among holistic realities. The manner of approach will be participatory and integrative. The manner of approach of scientists is not well suited to the need to describe the regularities in relationships which are observed in the dynamic interactions among persons and live members of the personal ecosystem. The manner of approach of scientists focuses upon smaller and smaller elements; not upon larger and larger holistic realities. Even when scientists focus upon larger and larger units they do so in ways which consider only the minimal attributes of the larger units. The manner of approach of scientists leads to descriptions which are the foundations for manipulative understanding, prediction and control; leading to techniques, technology and impersonal control. The manner of approach which will be appropriate to descriptions of dynamic interactions among persons and live members of the personal ecosystem will not lead to the foundations for manipulative understanding, prediction and control. The personal manner will lead instead towards personal understanding of each other and to meaningful personal relationships characterized by personal and communal integrity. Such meaningful relationships will not be characterized by prediction, manipulation and control. The appropriate descriptions of personal relationships will focus upon human attitudes, values, ideals, concepts, assumptions, dialogue, communication, mutual understanding, reflexive desires, experiences, etc. Such descriptions will seek to clear the way for communications which will be the foundations for personal relationships grounded in personal and communal integrity. Such communications must be free of motivational bias which leads to misleading and partial communication. Such bias cannot be eliminated through objectivity, because the communications which are essential are by their nature reflexive and essentially non-objective. Scientists are not properly trained to be leaders in this venture. Because scientists are dedicated to objectivity they do not deal well with consideration of values and ideals; for such considerations are essentially non-objective in character. There is a need to describe the dynamic conflicts which occur between conflicting values and ideals, and between the people who are the incarnations of those conflicting values and ideals. Such descriptions can not be objective, because they will pertain to the values and ideals of the people offering the descriptions. The ideals and values by which such descriptions are to be evaluated must be among the values and ideals which are described; to fail to include them would be to bias the whole process. This whole process of describing values and ideals must transcend the processes of addictive and codependent relationships which dominate many personal and corporate activities. If it does not transcend addictive and codependent processes it can not be expected to be reliable, because self deception is so central to addictive and codependent relationships and their collusive games. It will be difficult to integrate the scientific community and its admiring scholarly community into the process of describing values and ideals. Those people who are exclusively preoccupied with the scientific paradigm are addicts. They are addicted to the scientific paradigm as a "fix" to compensate for their inadequacies in personal relationships. As is the case with all addicts they can not be honest about themselves and their own personal relationships. They can not be honest about their personal mistakes. They play objective games of mutual self deception about matters personal. The process of transcending the limitations of the scientific paradigm will be a process similar to the process of recovery from any other form of addiction. It will entail the painful process of owning up to the collusive games of mutual self deception which have characterized the processes of scientists' addiction to the scientific paradigm; and owning up to the disintegrative processes which those games have occasioned, such as the arms race and associated acts of terrorism. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================