This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %ADDICTIONS AS SYMPTOMS OF DISINTEGRATION 871218 Various addictions are symptoms of disintegrative processes which are manifestations of disintegrative ideals and values. The repression of one addictive behavior pattern does not necessarily eliminate the disintegrative process which was manifested in the addictive behavior pattern. This is especially evident when cessation of one addictive behavior pattern is clearly associated with the initiation or intensification of another addictive behavior pattern. The foci of addictive behavior patterns are not the causes of the behavior patterns; e.g., alcohol, drugs, food, sex, work, money, power, religion, etc. are not causes of addictive behavior patterns. The disintegrative patterns become focused upon various activities/substances in response to environmental stimuli and opportunities. The disintegrative processes which are manifested in addictive behavior patterns are guided by patterns of belief, conceptions, ideals, values, role models, ideas, encouragement, etc. which make such disintegrative processes appear preferable to their alternatives. So long as disintegrative processes continue to appear preferable to their alternatives, it is reasonable to choose them in place of more integrative alternatives. Only when addicts can perceive the consequences of their addictive behavior patterns clearly can they be in a position to make appropriate choices between disintegrative and integrative behavior patterns. Addicts and co-dependents tend to manipulate each other in confusing ways which make it impossible for them to clearly perceive the consequences of their behavior patterns. They can not disentangle cause and effect in any clear way because they are subject to each other's manipulative efforts, and participate in the biases generated by being defensive victims and victimizers. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================