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This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %ACCEPTING THE MYSTERIOUS WORD OF GOD 871019 The Word of God can not be imprisoned in, or contained in, any string of human words understood by God's creatures. The Word of God comes to God's creatures in mysterious ways which we cannot control or manage. It is not in our power to fully understand or control the ways in which the Word of God comes to God's creatures. Such control of God's Word is not our responsibility, and God does not give us the power to control his Word. The Word of God is a Mystery to be accepted as a gift from God, not a key to be turned in the heavenly doors as a means to get into heaven. The doors of heaven are open, but the way through them does not satisfy selfish preconceptions. God points to his Word in many ways. The words of holy writings are some of the pointers by which God points to his Word. The pointers are not the Word of God, but point to the Word of God. Holy people often point to the word of God, but they themselves do not control the Word of God, even though they are closer to being the Word of God than is any string of human words. The word of God has integrity with God. People of integrity share in God's integrity and thereby point to the Integrity of God which is one with the Word of God. It is to be remembered that the words which point to the Word of God cannot be helpfully manipulated as are algebraic symbols which point to quantitative relationships. Words which point to the Word of God are not elements of an equation which contains the Word of God. To accept the Word of God and be freed by it one must be willing to accept mystery, rather than always be seeking to dispel mystery with more and more knowledge. Essential mystery cannot be dispelled with any kind of knowledge, even though ignorance of some kinds can be dispelled with knowledge of kinds appropriate to the kind of ignorance which is dispelled. The Word of God does dispel certain kinds of ignorance, if God's free gift is accepted with mystery. The Word of God is Holy, but the words which point to the Word of God are not as words holy words. They are words. The words point to what is Holy, they are not what is Holy. That which is Holy is essentially mysterious. Words are not essentially mysterious. Neither are certain sequences of words essentially mysterious. They sometimes point, however, to that which is essentially mysterious. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================